A Word About Me

Profile 2Hello, My name is Pam and welcome to my website.

I have worked for many years in medical and office administrative roles. Punching that clock every day to get that paycheck that is just big enough to pay the bills, just so I can work the next week for just enough to pay some more bills. Never getting ahead and never getting a vacation.

Then one day you go to work and they say they don’t need you anymore “We have eliminated your position” So the JOB hunt starts AGAIN!

I want to help people who have heard those words or who are afraid they are going to hear those words. I want to help those people who believes there has to be a better way, that we are better than that 9 to 5 “JOB” and we DESERVE to be able to spend time with our families and be able to build our own wealth not have some corporate CEO dictate what we are worth.

I want to share with you how I have been able to generate an income working from my home working the hours I choose. I almost spent thousands of dollars for affiliate marketing training. But I found a better way.

And that’s what this site is about.

Through this site I will give you honest and proven ways to become your own boss and build your own income. I will provide you with personal reviews and research so you can make educated decisions on the best programs for you.
The Wealthy Affiliate platform has a free trial so you can really see what you are getting without spending a dime. If you like what you see you can upgrade (one time) to a Premium membership and all the community support and training tools are open to you to complete and use at your will. In no time you will have an up and running website in any niche you are passionate about. Click here to sign up and check it out.

I will help you any way I can and so will all the other community members.

I wish you the best,



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