Create Your Luxury Lifestyle

Is a luxury lifestyle in your future? Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder so is luxury. Luxury will have a different meaning to every person on earth but rest assured it is possible to create your luxury lifestyle. The one that YOUR dreams are made of.

For one, it might be being able to drive the car of your dreams, for others it may be traveling the world and staying in 5 star motel suites with people waiting on your every whim or crossing the oceans in your very own yacht.Luxury Yacht

For most of us the only thing missing for us to be able to live that life of luxury is MONEY! With our current wages (or lack of) it just isn’t possible to purchase luxury items or take elaborate vacations to luxury spas or embark on romantic getaways.

Don’t Just Settle

Many people find themselves “settling” for the things that will get them by instead of getting what they truly “want”.

I was no different. It took 18 years of marriage before we were finally able to get away for a romantic getaway. We joke that it took us 18 years to have our honeymoon. It’s true, I’m not kidding.

But what if there was a way to get the MONEY that we all so desperately want so we CAN enjoy the luxury items we desire.

How To Make It Happen

There are a few ways to achieve this.

The first and probably the oldest way is to save your money. Now this is a great idea and has been around for as long as money has been in existence. The problem is, it’s very hard to save what you don’t already have.

Another option if you have some money to spare is try your hand in the stock market. If you are able to enlist the help of an expert then this could be a viable option but sometimes your money is tied up for years before you see any returns on your investments. This can be very risky and if you’re not an expert or able to get the help from an expert then I wouldn’t recommend it but it is an option.

The Safest Option

The best option though would be to turn your passion into a profitable business. It’s something that you can start anytime and requires very little money.

Let Me Explain What I Mean

Everyone has something that they really enjoy doing. This can be anything from deer hunting, camping, embroidery, cooking, baseball, yoga, you name it. It can be anything.

Whatever your passion is you can build a business around it. This would be called a niche and it can all be done online.

And more times than not this is the best way to obtain the passive income to live that luxury lifestyle.

Gone are the days of only being able to do business if you have a physical brick and mortar building. And gone are the days that we have to go to a job at the butt crack of dawn and work like crazy for someone else to get a minuscule little paycheck that in no way reflects the hard work we put in to earn it.

Now just imagine what your day would be like if you were able to do whatever you wanted. Think about all the things that you have put off doing because you didn’t have the time or money.

Think about all the times you missed important family events because you had to work.

Baseball KidsDid you miss your sons first baseball game, how about your daughters first dance recital. Were you able to attend their high school graduation? Or maybe your kids are younger and you missed their first giggle or their first steps. Or worse yet your kids growing up constantly having to hear the words “No, We just can’t afford it.”

If you work for yourself you can work around these life events and be able to share in building those cherished memories with your family and friends.

Whatever hours you choose to work are up to you. When working in an online business your website is open to shoppers (or readers) 24 hours per day, the internet never sleeps.

If you do it right you can generate a substantial income that can replace your traditional job and enable you to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle.

How Do You Do It Right?

To do something right at some point you need to learn HOW to do it. Having an online business isn’t any different.

Proper training from the start could save you many hours of frustration.

Without appropriate training you are left to weed through pages and pages of websites that will all tell you something different. Leaving you to sort out what works and what doesn’t with the potential to set you back time wise as well as financially.

A program that walks you through step by step will ensure your website will get off the ground and grow into a successful online business.

The best program I have found is Wealthy Affiliate. Read my full review here.

ConfusionI paid for other training programs but was left in the dark about how to use the information I was given. And I was instructed to pay for many different tools that were not included in the programs or sign up for additional programs that I really didn’t need.

I was spending a couple hundred dollars a month to get all these memberships but in the end I didn’t know how to use them all or how to link them together and then came another up sell.

To make a long story short, I soon gave up on that other program and have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate ever since.

Having the time and money to spend with your family is irreplaceable.

I was a single Mom when my kids were growing up and I always had to tell them “We can’t afford it, maybe next year”. Unfortunately they missed out on a lot of after school activities and sports due to lack of money or my work schedule.

I have lived the life of running my cars into the ground because I lacked the funds to get the repairs they needed. One of these old cars was a 1970 Chevy Nova that a friend pulled out of a field and put an engine in it for me. We nicknamed it my “Flintstone Car”

The back seat floor board was rusted out so you could see the pavement rushing by as you drove down the road (and my kids were buckled in back there!) That’s not something I want to repeat. Thankfully, I recently bought my very first brand new car, a conservative little Toyota Corolla for now. But I have my eye on a RangeRover Vogue.

Romantic GetawayAnd most recently I have finally been able to have a romantic getaway with my Husband, something that a 9 to 5 job has never allowed me to do. And I can tell you this is just the first of many.

I tell you this to encourage you to think beyond today. Where ever you are in your life right now, you can make it better.

Plan for your future and make it happen. Your luxury lifestyle is waiting for you.

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  1. Raymond Rodriguez

    Great blog post, this is one that I read easily, thank you for this I am an affiliate marketer and I would also like to have time with family and being active and exercising is time consuming, this will help me in the long run thank you!

    • Thank you so much for reading my post, it’s always nice to see a fellow Affiliate Marketer. It takes time to get this going but it is well worth it. The years pass by so fast and I would encourage everyone to take action on becoming an Affiliate Marketer so you can also spend more time with your family.
      Wishing you success

  2. Great, thank you !
    wealthyaffiliate is a community that always shares and helps you grow together, so it’s great to share WA

    Have a nice day!

    • Thank you for reading my post, I will be a proud active member of a Wealthy Affiliate for as long as I am able. The community is so welcoming, helpful and supportive you really cannot beat it. You would pay hundreds of dollars elsewhere for this type of support.
      Wishing you the best

  3. You’re right on how works stops us doing things and enjoying them moments that you cannot get back like your kids first steps, words etc. As long as you have hard work and dedication you can turn anything into a business but most people seem to be too scared to take the risk!

    • If I could encourage people to take the plunge into the free membership it wouldn’t take long for them to see the value of this training platform and the strong support from the community. If they have the desire to change their lives then signing up is the first step. The only risk with Wealthy Affiliate is becoming addicted to gaining the abundance of knowledge that will be available to them.
      Thank you so much for reading my post
      Wishing you wealth and happiness

  4. Hi Pam, Lovely post. Could do with a cruise, right now. Am going to be working hard to do just that.
    Thank you for this post to motivate me.
    All the best, Jill

    • Hi Jill, Nice to hear from you. Keep your eye on the prize and you will be able to go on that cruise soon enough. Keep dreaming and working towards making those dreams a reality. Thank you for reading my post
      Wishing you success and happiness

  5. congrats on your achievement. 9 to 5 jobs really do limit us and we don’t always reap the returns. All the best to you in the future.

    • Thank you for reading my post and thank you for your kind words. Reaping the rewards after working so hard is the true payoff and makes it all worth while.
      Wishing you the best

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