Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2018

Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2018

With the growing online industries more and more people are trying to get in on the working from home bandwagon. But this leaves many people wondering what the best work from home business plan would be.

This article is my personal Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2018. I will lay out the key factors of what I believe is the best training platform in the industry. Keep in mind that there is no get-rich-quick scheme here and it will require dedication and hard work, but it will all be worth it.

Wealthy Affiliate OverviewWa Logo Leather

Website: www.wealthyaffiliate.com

Owner(s): Kyle and Carson

Training: Step By Step Easy To Follow

Tools: SiteRubix, Jaaxy, Keyword search

Support: Yes, A Whole Community

Two levels of Membership: Starter Member (Free), Premium Member ($49 monthly or $359 yearly)

Recommended?: Yes, Highly

My Own experience With Wealthy Affiliate

I found Wealthy Affiliate after spending hundreds of dollars (and almost thousands of dollars) on another affiliate training course. What really caught my attention with Wealthy Affiliate was the fact that they actually have a free membership that allows you to have 2 free websites that include hosting. And there was no credit card required to sign up for the starter membership, just my name and an email address. You really don’t have to pay a dime.

Right away after I signed up I started to receive welcome messages from several members and also received messages from the founders Kyle and Carson. All these kind messages were guiding me towards the next steps on how to start the training courses and members were adding me to their networks so I could follow and get guidance from the community with questions, training and encouragement.

Step By Step Training

From the very first lesson in the training you can see it is all laid out and Kyle walks you through the training in the exact sequence needed to build a website that is very professional and functional so you can start to build your online business

Step one – Choose an interest

Step Two – Build a website

Step Three – Attract visitors

Step Four – Earn revenue

You can really choose anything that interests you and build a website around it. And this training platform walks you through step by step from building your website to getting traffic to it. All you have to do is follow the lessons in order and you will be on your way.

The training courses include video lesson where Kyle walks you through the tasks of the lesson and explains what you need to be focused on and what you don’t need to worry about and also written lessons to read.

There are several lessons to each course and they are easy to follow and very informative. Even if you are a complete “newbie” like I was you can still get through these lessons and build a functioning website.

Two Levels Of Membership

The free Starter Membership gives you access to the first training course that includes 10 lessons. This is the “Getting Started” module. In the first few lesson you will set up a domain and build your website. The following lessons in the getting started module shows you how to attract visitors and write valuable engaging content using keywords to improve your Google ranking. The Getting Started course gives you the basics of building a functional website.

As a free Starter Member you will be able to have two free domains and will have access to choose from 12 free website themes.

The Premium Membership allows you to build 25 free domain and host 25 of your own domains at Wealthy Affiliate for a total of 50 websites and you can choose from more than 2400 themes.

As a Premium Member you will have access to all the training courses offered at Wealthy Affiliate. This includes LIVE training courses, LIVE chat, private messaging with the owners and other members, unlimited access to keyword searches, access to the website comments and feedback platforms and receive higher referral payouts.

Below is a chart showing the breakdown of what is included in each membership at Wealthy Affiliate.

Bottom Line

What made me choose Wealthy Affiliate over another online course was the fact that I could check out the Starter Course at no cost to me. After already spending hundreds of dollars on another program I was a little apprehensive and I didn’t want to sign up for something that I really couldn’t use.

I was so happy with the training and the support of the member community that I signed up for the Premium Membership right away because I knew this is where I was going to get the complete training and support that I needed to succeed in online marketing.

In just a few weeks after upgrading to the Premium Membership I signed up for the yearly membership. It really is a no-brainer if you are able to do it. By going to the yearly membership it will save you money because it works out to only $29 per month.

I have been so happy with Wealthy Affiliate that I am here for long haul, I am not going anywhere else.

By clicking on the links you can be a part of this outstanding training platform and be on the road to building your own online business. So click on the links and sign up today I know you will be glad you did.

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  1. Hello. Thanks for this article. I’ve been thinking about making money online for a long time but I did not know how to do it. I think that affiliate marketing will be what I want to do. I created an account at Wealthy Affiliate. Site created in a minute more difficult with the choice of a niche. A lot of valuable knowledge. My niche is related to garden accessories. Do you think it is a good choice?

  2. I am with you. I joined Wealthy Affiliate for the same reason. I could check it out without paying up front. There’s no reason not to try it when you can do that. It takes away the stress of giving up your payment info and getting charged without permission. I too upgraded shortly after signing up. It’s a no-brainer once you see what they have to offer and they have a way of making the learning process easy.

    • Thank you so much for reading my review and I couldn’t agree with you more. I upgraded to premium right away because it was so easy to follow the training and I knew right away that I was going to be here for a very long time. I was really skeptical about giving my payment details after my other online experiences but in a very short time I was comfortable and felt at home here. Best wishes with your business, Pam

  3. I think as you stated many of us are looking to create an online business and have probably all be scammed out of our money durng our search. Upon first joining I was very skeptical even though I had to pay nothing. I encountered the warm welcomes and others pointing me in the direction of getting started and letting me know where and how to get help when I needed. I had never experienced that anywhere in my search for an online business opportunity. I did become a premium member as I knew my search was over and this is where I belong.
    It is definitely an affiliate that you need to check out for yourself. When you have been burnt by others taking your money and mis leading you by there intentions or what you will receive with your membership you become gun shy.
    Once you take that initial step and check it out for yourself you will see, that there is not a hand held out wanting your money. But there are MANY hands lending you help to help you succeed. I love it at Wealthy Affiliate.

    • First of all, thank you for reading my review of Wealthy Affiliate. You are so right I could not agree with you more. The free sign up is what got my attention in the beginning but now I know I have been so blessed to find WA, the community is so supportive and beyond belief. I will be here for many years to come. I am so sorry you had to go through the ordeals of being scammed elsewhere, but I am glad you found Wealthy Affiliate. Wishing you much success, Pam

  4. Hi Pam, I really enjoyed your post. I’m a very satisfied Wealthy Affiliate customer myself. I also took up their Yearly Membership option and it’s paid for itself over and over again. I agree with you wholeheartedly, the training and support are second to none.
    I wish you all the best as you continue your journey at Wealthy Affiliate. See you on the inside.

    • Hi, thank you for reading my review. I love that you said the premium membership has paid for itself over and over again. It is so true. When you think about all the training that is included in Wealthy affiliate there is no comparison, we would have paid thousands of dollars elsewhere for this much training. I am glad you found WA and I wish you the best, Pam

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