Picking Your Niche

Photo Question MarkIf you have been thinking of starting an online business but are getting stuck on picking your niche then let me help you. Whether you are choosing to do a blog website, trying to sell your own product or trying to earn money from affiliate marketing this article may help.

Picking my niche was the hardest thing I had to do when first starting my business. It took me many days to decide what to do, I have so many things I am interested in so I had to narrow it down to what I was passionate about.

But I also wanted to pick a niche that I could build into a successful online business.

These are the steps I used to decide on my niche.

Make A List Of All Your Interests And PassionsNotes Cup

Even if you don’t know everything about an interest it can still be a great niche. As you research more about your interests you will become more knowledgeable. Keep this list in a spiral notebook or a binder that is dedicated for your business, this way you will have it handy if your interests and passions change. It is much easier to relay information about something that you are very interested in or passionate about and you will not lose interest in your new business. Her are a few ideas to think about to help you make your list.

What do you like to do on your days off? What do you do with your free time? What do you like to read? Where do you like to visit? What do you like to eat? What do you like to cook? Do you like to help people, if so with what? What would you do if you could?

How Will Your Niche Business Help People?

Do online searches to see what people are looking for in your chosen niche. What are they wanting help with and how can you help. Is there something you can help people with? How to make money from home? How to train your cat? Where to buy … whatever it is. The best place to have sushi. These are all ways to help people.

Is There A Lot Of Competition In Your Chosen Niche?

If there is a lot of competition it could mean there is a high demand for it but it could also mean it may be harder to get ranked in online searches. Compare the competition to see if they are offering high quality content, do they have a lot of interaction on their articles as in are they getting comments from readers. Do they have current articles, or are they old articles meaning the sites are not currently active. Do you think you can write better articles using keywords that can outrank the competition? If your competition does not have high quality content this may be easy to do. What can you do to exceed the competition?

MoneyCan You Make Money With Your Chosen Niche?

If you have not settled on a specific niche yet then this might help you decide.

It’s no secret that most people want to build a profitable website. So this is where you can find out if you’ve made good a choice for a profitable website niche.

When I was trying to decide on my niche I went to ClickBank to help me determine if there was money to be made in my chosen niche. You can browse through the different topics to see what offers are out there or how many offers are available in any given category.

ClickBank is pretty well-known so if you don’t find anything it might mean it’s not a high demand niche. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still be profitable. There are other sources such as Affiliate marketing that can be utilized for any niche. Read my Wealthy Affiliate Review here.

The Most Important Thing With Picking A Niche Is…

”Do you have enough interest to stick with it?”

It doesn’t matter if you know all there is to know about something or just learning about it. If you do not have the desire and passion to stick with it and follow through for the long haul then you will not succeed.

Nobody wants to talk about something they don’t care bout. So what interests YOU. Write them down and get started.

I am always willing to help with your questions or concerns and I would love to hear your comments so please leave them below.

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  1. For me, you have covered 2 of the most important things when choosing a niche.

    1) Having passion for your niche
    2) Adding value and helping people.

    Well done

    • Thank you John for reading my post, I am so glad that you found it helpful. It’s hard to write about something if you really don’t have a strong interest or passion for it. Best Regards, Pam

  2. Thanks for your help in picking a niche. Like you I found it hard choosing. You have hit on the most important things, but as you say, you must have the passion to stick with it for the long haul.
    Great article.

    • Thank you Greg, I am so glad you were able to relate with my article and found it useful, Good luck in your new niche. Regards, Pam

  3. You are so right. I decided to pick something that I do everyday with ease but I know other people don’t find it easy to do. Sometimes as you go through your day, you get hints and tips on things you can add to your site, or write about. It could be the one thing you took for granted that you think no one cares about. Great way to inspire!

    • I’m so glad you can relate to my post. It is so true that we may overlook things that we do everyday but don’t give it a second thought. All around us everyday we should be able to come up with something if we just pay attention. If we really pay attention we might find that we frequently talk about the same things, or do the same things, or believe the same things daily, any of these things could turn out to be a great niche for someone.
      Thank you for reading my post and I wish you the best, Pam

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