Blogging For Home Business Success

Like TilesWhen trying to build a home business there is one area that many people tend to ignore because they do not see the importance of blogging for home business success.

Many people who are new to building a website or building their online marketing business are not successful because this key factor of blogging is missing.

They may be misled or lack the knowledge of the great impact blogging can have in social media and ranking of their website in the search engine such as google.

By blogging on a regular basis google will be alerted of your new posts and eventually with the use of high quality keywords and content you will begin to rank in google so you will appear in the first few pages in searches.

For sites to rank in google they must be active and blogging is the best way to achieve this.

You should aim for two or three posts per week.

Blogging Will Increase Traffic To Your Site

By blogging regularly you will build content on your website. The more blog posts you have the more variety of keywords that will be found in the search engines. By being found in the search engines your rank will go up and your position in google will be moved to the first few pages of keyword searches instead of being at the end of the lists on page 35 or something.

Bigger Social Media PresenceSocial Media Icons

The social media platforms are super big right now. Everyone you know probably has a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account. By being active in social media and sharing your posts you will build your social media followers and increase the traffic to your website. The more posts you have the bigger your circle will get and the more your followers will share your posts.

Be Real And Talk To Your Audience

Blogging in any niche needs to be personable. Always talk to your audience, just tell them a story but make it real.

Be natural in the way you talk and don’t sound like you are reciting an encyclopedia. Blogging is the foundation of your online business so make it about the reader, draw them in by writing engaging content to build their trust so they follow you or subscribe to your newsletter.

Building Your Authority

Creating high quality blog posts regularly shows readers and search engines that your business is active and builds loyalty and authority. It shows that you are experienced in your niche.

By building your brand authority people will seek out your posts and your conversion rates will increase.

Using Internal LinksLinks

By having a high volume of quality posts you are able to have more internal links within your posts. The search engines like internal links so when you use them you increase your ranks in the search engines.

You are also providing a helpful service to your readers by directing them to related content.

Interactive Audience

Regular blogging is the best way to establish a stream of communication between you and your audience. Active comments and discussions are extremely important to your business. It creates trust with your customers and tells the search engines that your business is highly sought after and highly desired.

Failing To BlogDead End Sign

If you fail to blog then you are missing out on one of the most powerful assets of your online business.

Without the strength of search engine optimization you will fail to have sufficient, quality traffic and your business will never get off the ground.

Regular blogs that engage your audience will become widespread across all social media venues.

We all want our posts to go viral.


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  1. Some great point s here. You’re so right. Keeping up momentum is so important with a blog. I slowed down over the Christmas period and I am now seeing the effects of that, so maintaining a steady stream of content is so important. I only hope that my audience hasn’t deserted me! Having read your blog, I’m beginning to think that I will need to rebuild their trust.

    Thanks for a fascinating blog.


    • It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it is so true. I also was not very active through the holidays and It does show in Google ranking and traffic.
      I’m glad you found my post helpful, Wish you the best, Pam

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